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Tactical Espionage Action with Sniper Wolf!

Big Boss Bishoujo Blog Busujimax Catálogo CrossoversPT Curador Estatueta Figura Foxhound Galeria Crossovers Gaming Hideo Hideo Kojima Konami Kotobukiya Lalilulelo Metal Gear Metal Gear Rex Metal Gear Solid MGS MGS1 Otacon Panda Crossovers Shadow Moses Shunya Yamashita Snake Sniper Sniper Wolf Solid Snake Tactical Espionage Action Takaboku Busujima Wolf

In 2005 an elite Black Ops unit named FOXHOUND took control of a secret facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska. In possession of nuclear weapons, the group demanded money and the delivery of the remains of the legendary soldier Big Boss from the United States government.

"Our" Sniper Wolf was the team's sniper. Born in Iraqi Kurdistan, the deadly sniper lived in a climate of persecution and war until she found the person who would give her direction in life: Big Boss.

During the revolt, the sniper "adopted" the wolf dogs of Shadow Moses Island, surrounding herself and identifying with them, thus earning her nickname.

What Sniper Wolf did not know was that there was someone else on the Island, an expert in the art of Tactical Espionage who was following all her steps without her realizing it ...

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